This first edition was written for Lua 5.0. While still largely relevant for Lua 5.1, there are some differences.
The second edition targets Lua 5.1 and is available at Amazon and as an e-book.
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14.3 – Non-Global Environments

One of the problems with the environment is that it is global. Any modification you do on it affects all parts of your program. For instance, when you install a metatable to control global access, your whole program must follow the guidelines. If you want to use a library that uses global variables without declaring them, you are in bad luck.

Lua 5.0 ameliorates this problem by allowing each function to have its own environment. That may sound strange at first; after all, the goal of a table of global variables is to be global. However, in Section 15.4 we will see that this facility allows several interesting constructions, where global values are still available everywhere.

You can change the environment of a function with the setfenv function (set function environment). It receives the function and the new environment. Instead of the function itself, you can also give a number, meaning the active function at that given stack level. Number 1 means the current function, number 2 means the function calling the current function (which is handy to write auxiliary functions that change the environment of their caller), and so on.

A naive first attempt to use setfenv fails miserably. The code

    a = 1   -- create a global variable
    -- change current environment to a new empty table
    setfenv(1, {})
results in
    stdin:5: attempt to call global `print' (a nil value)
(You must run that code in a single chunk. If you enter it line by line in interactive mode, each line is a different function and the call to setfenv only affects its own line.) Once you change your environment, all global accesses will use this new table. If it is empty, you lost all your global variables, even _G. So, you should first populate it with some useful values, such as the old environment:
    a = 1   -- create a global variable
    -- change current environment
    setfenv(1, {_G = _G})
    _G.print(a)      --> nil
    _G.print(_G.a)   --> 1
Now, when you access the "global" _G, its value is the old environment, wherein you will find the field print.

You can populate your new environment using inheritance also:

    a = 1
    local newgt = {}        -- create new environment
    setmetatable(newgt, {__index = _G})
    setfenv(1, newgt)    -- set it
    print(a)          --> 1
In this code, the new environment inherits both print and a from the old one. Nevertheless, any assignment goes to the new table. There is no danger of changing a really global variable by mistake, although you still can change them through _G:
    -- continuing previous code
    a = 10
    print(a)      --> 10
    print(_G.a)   --> 1
    _G.a = 20
    print(_G.a)   --> 20

When you create a new function, it inherits its environment from the function creating it. Therefore, if a chunk changes its own environment, all functions it defines afterward will share this same environment. This is a useful mechanism for creating namespaces, as we will see in the next chapter.